Not if we go to the sea, but when, because for Romanians, going to the sea in the summer, on vacation, at least for a few days, has become a necessity, a given. The sea awaits us with a puppy and a piglet: it’s the ideal place to play, relax, have fun, escape from everyday life.
See the price list HERE!

But there is one problem worth noting. For most people from Bucharest, the sea is several hundred kilometers away. The road to the sea is a real adventure and that is why going to the sea in the summer season is an event. There are expectations, hopes, nostalgia, beautiful memories, but also the fear that the long way there will be sprinkled with adventures or unexpected, even unpleasant situations.

Our private transfer service to the Romanian Coast – Mamaia Resort is a personalized service, where you enjoy the exclusive comfort of a car or minibus (in the case of families or groups of max. 7 people), you don’t have to wait for the arrival or pickup of other passengers and you travel directly to your destination. Choose the type of car you want and reserve online a car transport with a driver, safe and comfortable, on the route Bucharest – Mamaia.